2022 Family Retreat @ Tuscarora Inn and Conference Center – To God be the Glory
Pastor John D. WarrMinister Benaiah WarrProphetess Addie ManleySister Teana WhiteSister Lael Warr & Brother Terrence JonesDeacon Shariyf MuhammadChaplain Regional ColesSister Lael and baby YolandaSister Tara HunterBrother Ernest BillupsDeacon Shariyf proposes to Sister Danyelle!Yes!Sister Danyelle’s sister’s Surprise Visit during the proposal…Senior Pastors John and Carol Warr pray for their up-and-coming marriage.Sister Teana and Brother Ernest Worship unto the LordMinister Benaiah – Family Fun Nite HostRap Challenge Team Children’s MinistryAssociate Pastor, Carolyn Manley, and Sister Deborah Alonzia – Children Ministry ActivitiesChildren Musical ChairsAdult Musical ChairsThe Winner!Our Pastors Giving God the Praise!Pastor Carol S. WarrSister Teana WhitePastors John and Carol and Pastor Jones praying for Brother Terrence JonesPastor Carol S. Warr Intercessory Prayer before ServiceSisters in ChristDaughters of Virtue, Sisters in Christ, and Children